
Created by STEPHEN one year ago
I was willing witness to a fair number of Judy anecdotes and cameo appearances that were amusing or endearing, but all memorable. 
A favourite that I've recounted on occasion was Judy's marshalling of her wine glass. As a dutiful son-in-law, I would always seek to top up her rouge or blanc and she would always insist: "Oh no, no. Oh ok, just a little, just a little."  And before we knew it, she'd quaffed a good part of the bottle! As the kids grew older, they would keep their eye on gan gan at the table and stifle a giggle.

Another is that few would believe Judy possessed a mastery of timing. We could predict to the second Judy appearing amid the clatter of a busy kitchen before a meal to say to Serena -- and it's always Serena -- : 'Oh darling, please sit down, can I help?" Only to be told lunch/dinner was ready and about to be served!

We shall rather miss all that.